Sunday, February 27, 2005

Government Employment

PropertyTaxNJ, in A Good Year For Government Employment, points out that government is the fastest growing sector of the New Jersey economy. The only level that shrank last year in our state was the federal government! The state added 7,500 jobs over the last year, and local schools and governments added another 8,800.
The New Jersey Business and Industry Association Employment Watch report highlights the difference between New Jersey and her neighbors in government employment trends. Notice that Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware had a combined increase of 2,100 government jobs, while our increase was 17,200. Another interesting point: New Jersey accounted for 10% of national public sector employment change, growing at more than triple the nationwide rate.

New Jersey Business and Industry Association Employment Watch

According to a Sunday Star-Ledger article,
Some programs will be targeted for elimination, which will enable the state to cut hundreds of state positions. Officials say they should be able to achieve payroll cuts mostly through attrition rather than layoffs.
So the acting Governor intends to decrease payrolls by hundreds next year, after growing them by thousands last year. Thanks for nothing, Senator Codey.