Sunday, January 29, 2006

Carnival Blog Rankings

Updated 3:00 PM: 15th-20th places revealed!
Updated 8:00 PM: 3rd-14th places revealed. Stop by after 10:00 PM to see who was number one!
Updated 10:00 PM: And the most linked carnival blogger is... Gigglechick! In a world full of lefty and righty political bloggers, it's the person trying to make us laugh who gets the most linky love.

In Carnival of the New Jersey Bloggers XXXVII, I may have opened a can of worms. My little exercise in link counting and ranking has raised questions about what the rankings mean. Here's what I did.

Step 1 - get a copy of all the previous carnival posts.
Step 2 - grab all of the hyperlinks embedded in each file. This is the painful and repetitive part, so I wrote a little 6-line script in Word to do the work for me.
Step 3 - read the resulting list and eliminate those links that are not part of the actual carnival post. This includes things like blogrolls, archives, comments, and the administrative links at the beginning and end of each post. Content varied widely depending on who was hosting each week, but the link to Enlighten's carnival page and the Technorati tags served as pretty good markers for the beginning and end of real content.
Step 4 - move the whole mess over to Excel for analysis. Clean up inconsistencies, such as links to both and
Step 5 - manipulate the text of the links to separate out the server name, top level domain, etc.
Step 6 - use Excel's Pivot Table to count up the links by blog address.

From there, it was a simple matter to get rankings. The blog with the most Carnival links was number 1, and the 82 blogs with only one link each were tied for 121st place.

Here are the Top 20. For now, it's just those that submitted a link for this week. Later today, I'll update to fill in the blanks.

RankPosts LinkedBlog
20 20 SmadaNek
20 20 Tami, the One True
20 20 The Rix Mix
20 20 The Eternal Golden Braid
17 22 NJ Conservative
17 22 KateSpot
17 22 Armies of Liberation
16 23 The Art of Getting By
14 24 Poor Impulse Control
14 24 The Contrarian
12 26 Parkway Rest Stop
12 26 Shamrocketship
11 27 Sluggo Needs a Nap
9 28 DynamoBuzz
9 28 Suzette
8 29 The Opinion Mill
6 31
6 31 The Center of NJ Life
3 32 Media in Trouble
3 32 Mister Snitch
3 32 Enlighten New Jersey
2 39 Fausta's Blog
1 40 Gigglechick

This was fun! Thanks for stopping by.