Monday, May 23, 2005

Upcoming Hearing: The Columns X

A hearing in the Capital Academy case has been scheduled before Judge Sweeney during the week of June 20th. Attorneys will argue the three remaining points decided against Capital Academy during the Joint Land Use Board hearing in January:

1. Has the 1999 variance allowing for an assisted living facility expired?
2. Is the non-conforming use proposed by Capital Academy similar enough to the previous use to be allowed?
3. Is the institution proposed by Capital Academy permitted in a residential (R-1) zone?

All these lawyers cost money. The township's attorneys don't work for chicken feed, but I believe the taxpayers consider it money well spent in defense of our town.

The citizens' group joining the case, Delanco Citizens Alliance, relies on donations. If you can help out, please contact me for details.

Note to fellow bloggers: I'm considering setting up a tip jar to support this cause. Pros/Cons?